Ragu Pasta & Wine Bar, Sydney

Specialised assistance with liquor licensing matters is crucial to connecting the strict compliance requirements with the dynamism of running a busine

Ragu Pasta & Wine Bar, Sydney

Ragu Pasta & Wine Bar, Sydney

Specialised assistance with liquor licensing matters is crucial to connecting the strict compliance requirements with the dynamism of running a business. Such is the case for Ragu Pasta & Wine Bar, whom we are pleased to have worked with on their recently successful application to vary their primary service authorisation (PSA) endorsed on their on-premises (restaurant) licence. The PSA permits Ragu Pasta & Wine Bar to serve liquor to customers without the requirement for consuming a meal at the restaurant, and a separate application to NSW Liquor and Gaming was required to vary the area to which it applies.

The licensing team at BSV Liquor and Gaming successfully varied the footprint of Ragu’s PSA to bring it into line with its on-premises licence boundary, which now affords certainty to both staff and management around how they serve customers day-to-day.

Particularly with restaurants, hotels and bars, the accrual of authorisations on top of numerous licences over time can result in different boundaries, trading hours and permissions applying to different parts of the venue. Having consistency around your business' liquor licence permissions is important to ensuring compliance with NSW’s strict legislation, and ensures there are no requirements missed by staff during daily operations. To apply for your own PSA variation application, or for any other licensing enquiries, please contact BSV’s licensing team via email at licensing@bsvliquorlicence.com.au or telephone at (02) 8530 0333.

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